Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Baby

We are just now rounding out two weeks of both parents being back at work, and some people are wondering how the three of us are adjusting to the changes. Does it look like we are suffering?

Not a bit! Sonja is growing and thriving, and continues to enjoy even her most hiccupy days thoroughly. She is happier than ever, and I am very happy as well. Sonja has a zest for life that amazes me, and I hope to contribute a part of it at work and everywhere else. We have two parties to thank for our current state of affairs: the wonderful leadership at work, and the excellent nanny we found here. To say anything more about either one would just be selling them short. Jon & Angela were actually able to capture her smiling, which she does all the time, except when I have a camera. Click to see more:


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Third month

During her third month with us, Sonja matured a ton. She can stand with just a little help from us to balance, and loves to swim in the tub. We haven't put her face or ears underwater yet, but she can spend half an hour pushing off with her legs and then drifting close to push off again. She's also fascinated by her hands, and will hold them up in front of her face and examine her fingers endlessly. She can make contact with objects and will occasionally reach to grasp something. She seems to have a wonderful sense of humor and timing, and she keeps us laughing.

Click this album to see pictures from her third month!

third month

Second month & Christmas

During her second month, Sonja did a lot more talking and smiling at us, plus rolling over. She can easily roll to one of us now, and always wants to be close. We love it! There is no stopping this kid when she wants something. (Unfortunately, the opposite is also true, and she passionately fights against naps and socks.) Here are some photos of her!

second month

We had a wonderful time getting together with some family after Christmas. I had wanted to go up to Boston, but we chickened out because our baby is so tiny, and it was icy and cold. We were fortunate to have a visit from the Collins side of the family.

Christmas 2008

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sonja's first month

During her first month, Sonja spent a lot of time being carried in the sling, dozing in her basket bed, and curled up with mom and dad. She was a light baby and didn't gain weight quickly, so we used supplemental feeding with a finger tube to help her get more nutrition and be a more nutritive nurser. One of the positives of this was that Jesse got to do a lot of bonding with her during these feedings. From the beginning, Sonja loved to kick her feet, look at sunbeams, and make faces.

first month

Sonja met her cousins Avery, who had just turned 3, and Aubrey, who is ten days older than Sonja, for the first time at a belated Thanksgiving get- together.

thanksgiving 2008

Visit from Grandparents

Sonja's first weekend home, she got a wonderful visit from her Oma and Opa from Boston. Since Oma is a professional photographer, she was snapping lots of pictures, but, unfortunately, we were not. We were so excited by the newness of having her at home and the fun of Oma & Opa's first visit to NC, that we didn't capture their time together. Sonja had a wonderful time getting to know her family. We went to the park for the first time, took walks, and had lots of cuddles. Sonja studied Oma's and Opa's faces intently -- there is lots of recognition now when she looks at pictures of them. We hope to be with them again very soon.

On the second weekend, we had a visit from the Collins grandparents. Here are some pictures from our time together.

grandma & grandpa visit