During her eighth month, Sonja became ferociously mobile, crawling quickly and grabbing everything within her reach on the floor. Her sleep really settled in, and she started getting much more calm at nap time, showing that she knew what to expect. She fell in love with finger foods, and eagerly tried bringing small bites to her mouth. Occasionally she'd release the bite from her hand too soon and bring an open, empty hand to her mouth, only to look at it briefly and go for the next bite. By the end of the month, she developed a delicate pincher grasp and was picking and choosing each bite. We laugh about it, because that's how Mommy eats, too, as if the composition of each bite is important. (You know it is.) No wonder it takes so long to finish a meal. Sonja also learned to drink from a cup.
Sonja took her first airplane trip, up to Boston. She loved meeting her new friends, and her family. In particular, she had a wonderful time getting to know Tobias and her cousins, and she adores Oma, Opa, Uncle Jason, and Auntie Emma.
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