Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Baby

We are just now rounding out two weeks of both parents being back at work, and some people are wondering how the three of us are adjusting to the changes. Does it look like we are suffering?

Not a bit! Sonja is growing and thriving, and continues to enjoy even her most hiccupy days thoroughly. She is happier than ever, and I am very happy as well. Sonja has a zest for life that amazes me, and I hope to contribute a part of it at work and everywhere else. We have two parties to thank for our current state of affairs: the wonderful leadership at work, and the excellent nanny we found here. To say anything more about either one would just be selling them short. Jon & Angela were actually able to capture her smiling, which she does all the time, except when I have a camera. Click to see more:


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. What a cutie! I love seeing her smiles.
