Tuesday, August 18, 2009

First Virginia trip

In late May, Sonja made her first overnight trip away from home. She didn't sleep during the 5- hour car ride to her grandparent's house, but played quietly and looked out the windows. On the way home, she slept just half an hour.

Sonja enjoyed the change of scenery. Grandma set up a great area for her to sleep, and she woke up only once most nights, which was a first. She got to meet lots of friends and family for the first time, including Jeremy, Aunt Christine, Erin & Ryan, the Goldmans, and the McCreights. She loved hanging out with Grandma & Granddad, and exploring their house.

First Virginia trip!

Seventh Month

During her seventh month, Sonja ramped up on eating solids. She started on commercial baby cereal, but switched to homemade rice cereal mixed with pureed fruit as her staple. It tastes like rice pudding. She also loved bananas and yogurt, and mashed peas. She cautiously ate mashed avocado. She's so passionate about eating that she often growls and giggles, and likes to help out by guiding the spoon to her mouth.

Sonja had a lot of fun getting to her knees, and then trying to think about what to do next. By the end of the month, she was rocking back and forth on her knees and doing a soldier's crawl to get things out of her reach.

Here are some photos:
seventh month